This information is provided for information only and must not be considered as investment advice. You should seek professional investment advice before making any investment decision.
What We Believe In
Skill, Care and Diligence
This site provides you with information on our Authorised Corporate Director (ACD), Third Party Administration and Fund Management services as well as information on any funds for which Margetts provides these services.
What We Do
Margetts is an independent specialist in fund management solutions, with a focus on technology to drive efficiency and provide bespoke solutions.
Our aim is to create investments that meet clients’ objectives and we believe in putting clients at the centre of our proposition. Your investment may go up or down and you may not get back everything you initially invest.
We are an ACD managing both UCITS and Non-UCITS Retail Schemes based on bespoke requirements.
We are equally able to provide in-house multi-manager fund management for schemes or work with external fund managers, managing a full range of assets.

The ACD is a critical choice. They hold responsibility alongside the depositary for the safekeeping of investors assets and operation of the funds. It is important to consider the risk that an ACD poses to investors and to your business. It is also important to consider their operational abilities, which could reflect badly, affecting you and your brand.
We believe that there are questions you should be asking when considering an ACD. Go to our Why MGTS page to find out more.
Who We Are
Margetts is an independent specialist in fund management solutions, with a focus on technology to drive efficiency and provide bespoke solutions. As an Investment Management led ACD, our expertise allows us to work alongside third parties combining professional governance structures and management to demonstrate a successful business with a heart.
Our long and rich family history has been a prominent feature throughout our growth which provides stability and long term thinking. We work every day towards ensuring that Margetts is the UK's most respected and trusted independent ACD and it is our mission as a privately owned investment manager, to provide investments that achieve their objectives and provide value for investors.
Please note that capital is at risk. Investors should seek professional advice before making any investment.

Download our Services Guide
for information about our ACD and Third Party Administration.